Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Sweet sixteen x3

Tomorrow I will officially be living with three 16 year old girls.  I can't even believe I've made it this far (or how old I am)!  I'm so proud of all three of my girls and I really like the people that they are.  I tell this story quite often, but it's true and I guess it's kind of funny...  When the twins were born, they were preemies (31 weeks).  They were in the hospital for a little over a month after they were born.  I couldn't drive for the first two weeks because of my c-section, so I was relying on other people for rides to and from the hospital.  One day, nobody could drive me and my husband (Russ) was working a 14 hour shift.  When Russ got off of work and we were finally on our way to the NICU to see the girls, I was sobbing.  Russ looks at me and says "Honey, why are you crying?  We're on our way to see the girls right now".  I looked at him and said "I'm not crying about that, I'm crying because they're going to be going away to college so soon"!  He just laughed and said "you've got to be kidding me - they're not even home from the hospital yet"!  I completely meant it and don't you dare tell me it was just my hormones.
The reason I've just told you that story is because that same panic feeling has taken over.  They really are going away to college so soon!  Time has flown by and that day that I was balling my eyes out doesn't seem all that long ago.  A lot of parents have told me over the years to not worry, that I'll be ready when the time comes, that there's a reason that teenagers are, ummmm, challenging?  It's nature's way of making you begin counting down the days until their departure.  Well guess what nature?  I got stuck with three awesome kids, who don't suck, who only make me a little crazy and who I really like being around.  So nature, I'm not ready for them to go away to college...  please stop making them grow up so damn fast.
Thank you.
I love you girls!

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